Abortion Care
Abortion is legal & available in Montana
Located in Missoula, Montana, we respectfully offer safe, compassionate, and confidential care to meet the individualized needs of our patients.
You have options for abortion care:
- Medication Abortion, sometimes called the abortion pill, is offered up to 11 weeks in pregnancy. This type of abortion uses medication to end a pregnancy and takes place at home. This option is available both in-clinic and through our meds by mail program.
- Procedural Abortion is a safe medical procedure that gently empties the uterus and removes the pregnancy. At Blue Mountain Clinic we offer the in-clinic procedure up to 20 weeks and 6 days in pregnancy as a single-day appointment.
To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below or call Blue Mountain Clinic with any questions about our services.

Abortion Care Overview
While abortion is legal in Montana up to 22-24 weeks, Blue Mountain Clinic provides abortion services for patients through 21 weeks. (If you think you are more than 21 weeks pregnant, the caring staff at BMC can help direct you to services that can assist you.) You can find more information on types of abortions, what to expect, and additional information below.
Please do not delay an abortion for financial reasons. Blue Mountain Clinic offers funding and partners with organizations such as the Montana Abortion Access Program to provide financial assistance. We also accept Medicaid and private insurance.
Deciding Between Medication & Procedural Abortion
Medication Abortion
A medication abortion is the use of pills to end a pregnancy safely and effectively at home (or wherever is comfortable for you). At Blue Mountain Clinic, you can choose a medication abortion up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period. We also offer medication-by-mail with Telehealth visits for those that qualify. Please refer to our step-by-step guide for more information.
Some people choose a medication abortion because:
- The abortion happens at home, at a time that works for you and your schedule, which may feel more private or comfortable and give you more control over the process.
- You can have a partner, BFF, parent, pet or any support with you while the abortion happens. You can also do it on your own if that works better for you.
- If you meet certain criteria, you can skip the in-person appointment altogether and receive meds via our medication abortion by mail option.
- It may feel more like a “natural” process for some people because the experience is similar to a miscarriage.
In-Clinic Procedural Abortion
An outpatient, “in-clinic” abortion procedure is a safe method of ending a pregnancy. At Blue Mountain Clinic, we offer in-clinic abortion procedures up to 20 weeks and 6 days in pregnancy.
A procedural abortion is a medical procedure that uses light suction, and in some cases sterile instruments, to gently empty the uterus. The procedure is offered as a single-day appointment and most people return to work, school, or other regular activities the next day. Learn more about what to expect or view our step-by-step guide.
Some people choose a procedural abortion because:
- The abortion procedure occurs in one office visit.
- We confirm you are longer pregnant before leaving.
- The entire procedure lasts approximately 10-15 minutes (which is often the quickest part of the scheduled appointment).
- There is an option of mild sedation during the procedure so long as the patient has a confirmed driver to take them home.
- Some people feel more comfortable in the clinic setting.
Additional Information
Medication Abortion:
A medication abortion is the use of pills to end a pregnancy safely and effectively at home (or wherever is comfortable for you).
At Blue Mountain Clinic, you can choose a medication abortion up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). If you know the first day of your last period or the date of conception, you can use a gestation calculator to estimate the pregnancy. If you have irregular periods or are unsure of your last period, an ultrasound will likely be required to determine the pregnancy dates. The cost of a medication abortion varies depending on the ultrasound.
Most commonly, a medication abortion involves taking two medications, mifepristone, and misoprostol. The process is usually complete within 24 hours after taking the second medication and is similar to an early miscarriage. We recommend having a 24-hour period available for the process.
Medication abortion is available in two ways. Please call (406) 721-1646 to:
- Schedule an in-person appointment at our clinic
- Schedule a telehealth appointment to receive medications in the mail.
Medication abortions do not always require an ultrasound. (How do I know if I meet the criteria for no ultrasound?)
NOTE: Medication Abortion, sometimes called an “abortion pill” is not the same as the morning after pill or emergency contraception.
Prepare for your Visit: What to Expect (In-Person)
Some people prefer to have their appointment in the clinic where they see a provider face-to-face and receive medications in-person.
- The cost is $300 if an ultrasound is NOT required. (Do I qualify for no ultrasound?)
- The cost is $450 if an ultrasound is required or performed electively during the appointment.
- ULTRASOUND We will perform an ultrasound to date the pregnancy if necessary. An ultrasound is not always required if you meet certain criteria which we will go over with you. (How do I know if I meet the criteria for no ultrasound?)
- Consent forms will be reviewed and signed during your appointment along with detailed instructions and thoroughly answering any questions you may have.
- Medications are dispensed by a clinician during the appointment. You will be given written instructions as well as our 24-hour phone number.
For more information and to schedule an appointment, please call 406-721-1646.
Medication Abortion (by Mail):
For some people it is more convenient to set up a telehealth visit and have the medication delivered to their doorstep.
- The cost is $300 if an ultrasound is NOT required. (Do I qualify for no ultrasound?)
- An ultrasound may be required prior to your telehealth appointment. We can help find convenient locations to have this done. The cost is in addition to Blue Mountain Clinic’s fee and depends on the provider of services.
- Consent forms will be reviewed and signed electronically prior to your appointment.
- Detailed instructions will be given, and all questions thoroughly answered via phone or video appointment prior to your appointment with a provider.
- During your scheduled appointment with a provider, medications will be sent via our mail order pharmacy and delivered 24-48 hours later. Rush service is available for an additional charge.
You may qualify for this option if you:
- are 16 years old or older.
- have access to a smart phone, tablet, or computer with video capability so you can have a video consultation with a provider.
- are able to have your telehealth appointment and receive the package of medication at a mailing address in the state of Montana.
- are able to receive and take the first medication before you are 11 weeks pregnant.
- Please note: you may be required to have an ultrasound prior to your telehealth appointment. We can help find convenient locations to have this done. The cost is in addition to Blue Mountain Clinic’s fee and depends on the provider of services.)
For more information and to schedule an appointment, please call 406-721-1646.
A medication abortion is a two-step process using two different medications.
The first medication (mifepristone) blocks progesterone, the hormone necessary for growing and maintaining a pregnancy. Some people report mild nausea, light spotting, or cramping after taking mifepristone, but it is not common.
The second medication, misoprostol, is taken 6 to 72 hours after taking mifepristone. Misoprostol is used to soften the cervix and induce uterine contractions causing cramping and bleeding, thereby emptying the uterus, and expelling the pregnancy.
BLEEDING For most people, cramping and bleeding starts 4-6 hours after taking the Misoprostol. It is normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) during this process. It is a lot like a really heavy, crampy period and very similar to an early miscarriage.
Heavy bleeding and cramping are normal and will typically last 2-6 hours, but it may take longer. Using pads during this process will allow you to monitor your bleeding. Cramping and bleeding will lighten once the pregnancy has passed. Most people will complete the abortion within 24 hours of using the second medication. If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking misoprostol, call Blue Mountain Clinic at (406) 721-1646.
SIDE EFFECTS Some patients report experiencing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chills, dizziness, and mild fever with misoprostol (the second medication). These side effects are usually resolved within 24 hours. There are no long-term side effects of either medication. Prescriptions may be provided for additional medications to help manage any discomfort during the abortion process.
PREPARE You can be at home for this experience or wherever is safe and comfortable for you. Stock up on pads, food, books, movies, or whatever helps you pass the time. Staying well-hydrated, avoiding rich and spicy foods, and having a heating pad or hot water bottle on-hand can all be helpful ways of making you more comfortable.
It is normal to have some bleeding (period-like and/or spotting) for several weeks afterward. Pregnancy symptoms typically resolve as soon as 24-48 hours after you are no longer pregnant.
A follow up appointment is required via tele-health, telephone, or in person approximately 1-2 weeks after taking the first medication. We will also have you take a pregnancy test after 4 weeks to confirm it is negative. In the unlikely event that the abortion does not work and you are still pregnant, you may need another dose of medication or an in-clinic procedure to complete the abortion.
In-Clinic Procedural Abortion:
An outpatient, “in-clinic” abortion procedure is a safe method of ending a pregnancy where a trained medical professional uses aspiration (light suction), and in some cases sterile instruments, to gently empty the uterus. The procedure is offered as a single-day appointment and most people are able to return to work, school, or other regular activities the next day.
At Blue Mountain Clinic, we offer in-clinic abortion procedures up to 20 weeks and 6 days in pregnancy. The cost varies depending on how many weeks pregnant you are.
During your visit, our caring staff will provide thorough information about what to expect, explain the procedure in detail, make sure all your questions are answered, and review aftercare instructions. We will also discuss your health history so we can provide the best possible care for you.
We offer a mild sedative at the patient’s request (aka “conscious sedation”). Patients who choose this option will not be unconscious for the procedure, but rather temporarily relaxed and more at ease. Please note: You will need to have a driver after the procedure if you are administered the sedative.
Out of an abundance of caution for our patients and staff, we are only able to allow patients back into the clinic. Support people, drivers, anyone who accompanies you to your appointment, are all welcome to wait in our waiting room or parking lot, or we can let them know when to come back and get you.
Prepare for your Visit: What to Expect
- The procedure is offered as a single-day appointment. When you call to make your appointment, we will let you know how long to expect to be at the clinic.
- Payment for abortion services is due in full at the time of your appointment.
- Upon arrival, we will have standard health history paperwork for you to complete.
- You will be accompanied by a trained counselor throughout your visit who will provide compassionate care and detailed information along the way. We provide a safe and comfortable environment to spend time one-on-one outlining the events of the day, detailing the procedure, reviewing consent forms, and thoroughly answering any questions you have.
- When you are comfortable moving forward, we will perform an ultrasound to date the pregnancy and make sure everything is safe to continue.
- The procedure (as outlined here) is performed by a trained medical provider and is usually the shortest part of the visit.
- Following the procedure, we will review aftercare instructions and monitor your recovery until you are ready to go home.
- An in-clinic procedural abortion is one of the safest medical procedures available and is equally as safe as a medication abortion.
- An uncomplicated abortion (procedural or medication) will not affect fertility or the ability to have healthy pregnancies in the future.
Every person experiences abortion differently – emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
- On average, the entire procedure takes less than 15 minutes. Many people report cramping similar to a heavy period – some report having very little discomfort at all.
- The procedure begins with a bimanual exam, where the provider feels for the size, shape, and position of the uterus. This is followed by a speculum which is inserted to hold the vaginal walls open. This is not painful, just pressure.
- After cleaning and numbing the cervix (the opening to the uterus), tapered rods called dilators are used to gently stretch the cervix. A small sterile tube is then inserted into the uterus and the contents are removed using light suction. In some cases, sterile instruments and ultrasound are used as well.
- Following the procedure, we will review aftercare instructions and monitor your recovery until you are ready to go home. We will provide any additional resources or information needed, as well as our phone number where we can be reached 24/7 with questions or concerns.
Additional Information:
Legal Landscape
Abortion is legal and available in Montana!
Patients under the age of 16 are currently required by law to notify a parent or legal guardian before the procedure or obtain a waiver from a judge. Call the BMC team for more information about Montana’s Parental Notification law.
Spousal consent is not required to obtain an abortion in Montana.
Abortion Care Staff
Blue Mountain Clinic is dedicated to upholding the right to privacy for all Montanans. We are a full family practice clinic, which includes reproductive health care. Patients visit our clinic for all sorts of reasons, and we proudly provide confidential, respectful care to all.
Licensed clinicians provide abortion care at Blue Mountain Clinic. Our clinicians are experienced and dedicated to safe, reliable reproductive health care.
Alongside our clinicians is a compassionate support staff trained to counsel clients about their options, provide supportive care, detailed and thorough information, and patient advocacy.
Your visit is strictly confidential. Send an email to a member of our staff or considering sharing your experience (anonymously) to help others feel more comfortable and to help us improve our care!
Self Managed Abortion
Sometimes people choose to manage their abortions on their own, outside the traditional medical system. If you are considering self managed abortion for financial reasons, call us first, as we can often help with financial support! For those who choose self managed abortion, please feel free to contact us and explore our Resources page for more information, including possible safety and legal considerations.