Blue Mountain Clinic is committed to providing quality care to our patients
To ensure timely continued care, we encourage patients to schedule appointments in advance of follow-up due dates. When calling for an appointment, please provide your name, telephone number, chief complaint/reason for visit, as well as any updated contact or insurance information.
In order to schedule appropriately, please provide honest and accurate information to our scheduling team. When scheduling, please let us know if we can do anything to make your appointment more accessible to you. This includes wheelchair access, an interpreter, or a support person, among other things.
While we aim to schedule appointments appropriately, emergencies can and do occur in Primary Care. We strive to give our patients the time that they require. For this reason, we kindly request your patience and understanding should a delay or rescheduling become necessary on your appointment date.
To ensure quality care, Blue Mountain Clinic does not treat patients we have not seen (i.e., we will not call in prescriptions or offer medical advice for patients prior to their initial visit). Follow-up may be required to be scheduled after testing has been completed, so that results may be reviewed together and an effective and appropriate plan for your healthcare can be determined.
If you call to schedule an appointment, please be prepared with the following information:
- Reason for visit
- Current phone number, email address and mailing address
- Insurance information – make sure you bring your card with you to your appointment!
- If you need to have your records forwarded from another Physician’s office, you may fill out our release of records ahead of time.
If you are a new patient for abortion care, you will fill out paperwork provided to you at the time of your appointment. Please tell the Front Desk you need to schedule an abortion and they will transfer you to the right person!
If you are a new patient for family medicine, STI screening, or birth control, you will be asked to complete and submit our Patient Registration and Medical History forms prior to scheduling, so we can match you to the appropriate clinician.
Please send to one of the following:
Email. frontdesk@bluemountainclinic.org
Physical Address. 610 N California St Missoula MT 59802
Fax. 406.543.9890

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